Lauri's notes


JavaScript’s Bitwise Operators.

Operators & AND 10&3=2 | OR 10|3=11 ^ XOR 10^3=9 ~ NOT ~-1=0 ~1=-2 « left shift 10«3=80

Sign-propagating right shift	10>>3=1 >	Zero-fill right shift	10>>>3=1

Modulus With Bitwise Masks

16 - 15 (0x0F) 32 - 31 (0x1F) 64 - 63 (0x3F) 128 - 127 (0x7F) 256 - 255 (0xFF)

45 % 32
45 & 31
45 & 0x1F

    00101101 (45)
AND 00011111 (31)
  = 00001101 (13)
45 % 32 = 13

//Lazy way
for(int i = 0, j = 0; i < 256; i++)
    if(j % 16 == 0) j = 0;
    else j++;

//Better way
for(int i = 0, j = 0; i < 256; i++)
    j %= 16;

//Combine it into one line
for(int i = 0, j = 0; i < 256; i++)
    ++j %= 16;

//Combined using binary mask
for(int i = 0, j = 0; i < 256; i++)
    ++j &= 0xF;

if (arr.indexOf(value) !== -1)
if (~arr.indexOf(value))


var Option = {};
Option.SHRINK = 1 << 0; // pow(2, 0)
Option.MINIFY = 1 << 1; // pow(2, 1)
Option.LINT   = 1 << 2; // pow(2, 2)
Option.ALL    = Option.SHRINK |
                Option.MINIFY |
Option.NUT    = Option.ALL &

switch (!!obj.option) {
  case !!(obj.option & Option.ALL):
    // perform linting first
  case !!(obj.option & Option.NUT):
    // perform minification shrinking ?
      obj.option & Option.SHRINK

Tags: code, javascript

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Since 2009 to 2024